“Gratitude is the inward feelings of kindness received. ‘Thankfulness is the natural impulse be express that feeling”
The unsung heroes of the nation’s are being thanked in different ways. These corona virus helpers have been working since the covid – 19 outbreaks. These Corona helpers are real worriers.!
When the whole world is sitting home,the corona helpers are working in order to contain corona virus… especially these helpers are-
Public health worker and researches in scientific community
Doctore,nurses,medical workers
Emergency service workers
Farm workers & farmers
Grocery workers
Packaging ,shipping& delivery workers
Food & daily service providers
Teachers and children care

Public health workers& researchers in scientific community—
In this pandemic corona period,all world is struggling with their survival….our health workers use to go place to place for cleanliness…they brigded every one into oneself…Scientists are continuing testing the vaccine to cure patients completely..so here is Big thank you for ur cure & care.
Doctors,Nurses,Medical workers-
The presence of Doctors is the biginning of the cure. A doctor is a person who treats everyone equally. They are saving lives of all without any dissemination. they are curing and caring corona patients . According to WHO, year of 2020 is declared as Year of Nurses & midwifery! Every nurse & midwifery is playing role of life saviour. They all are caring patients with great efforts ..the whole world is praising their efforts that are being made by them. The corona virus outbreak has brought the world to a standstill. All of us are fighting Covid- -19,the best way we can.however ,in this pandemic,these medical community are fighting this disease on the frontlines and pulling their lives at risk to keep us safe. So here is Big thank you all doctors ,nurses and medical staff.

Farm workers & farmers.
A very big thank you to our farm workers & farmers,who without any selfishness serves directly & indirectly nations. Your hard work results we all are live..so here is Big thank you .