20 Easy Online Safety Hacks for a Secure Digital Life

Online safety

In today’s digital age, ensuring your online safety is of paramount importance. Whether you’re shopping, banking, or simply browsing the web, potential threats are lurking around every corner. To help you navigate the digital landscape safely, we’ve compiled a list of 10 easy online safety hacks that will empower you to protect your personal information, devices, and digital identity.

Strengthen Your Passwords

One of the most fundamental steps in online safety is creating strong, unique passwords. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of strong passwords and how you can manage them effectively.

Hack 1.Use Password Managers for online safety

Find out how to create and remember strong passwords for all of your online accounts more easily by learning about password managers.

Hack 2.Create Complex Passwords

Discover the art of crafting complex and memorable passwords that are virtually impenetrable to hackers.

Activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Your online accounts are further secured with two-factor authentication. For Online safety,We’ll go over how to activate 2FA on your key platforms here.

Hack 3.Understanding 2FA for online safety

Explore the concept of two-factor authentication and its role in safeguarding your online accounts.

Hack 4.Setting Up 2FA

Step-by-step instructions on how to enable 2FA on popular websites and services to fortify your online security

a.Choose the Service or Website

Begin by selecting the website or online service for which you want to enable 2FA. Some of the most common platforms that offer 2FA include Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and various banking and email services. Each platform may have slightly different steps, but the general process remains similar.

b.Access Your Account Settings

Log in to your account on the selected platform. Once you’re logged in, navigate to your account settings. It is typically found by clicking on your profile picture or name, then selecting “Account Settings” or a similar option from the drop-down menu.

c.Locate Security or Privacy Settings

Within your account settings, look for options related to security, privacy, or authentication. These settings might be labelled differently on different platforms, but they often contain words like “Security,” “Login and security,” or “Two-Factor Authentication.”

d.Enable 2FA

Once you’ve found the 2FA option, click on it to initiate the setup process. Most platforms will ask you to verify your identity by entering your password again.

e.Choose the 2FA Method

There are generally three common methods for 2FA:

  • Text Message (SMS): You receive a one-time code on your registered mobile phone number.
  • Authentication App: You use an authentication app like Google Authenticator, Authy, or Microsoft Authenticator to generate codes.
  • Email: You receive a verification code via email.

Select the method you prefer. Many users opt for authentication apps as they are more secure than SMS or email-based 2FA.

f.Register Your Device

Depending on your chosen method, you’ll need to register your device. If you select SMS, you’ll enter your mobile number and receive a text with a code to verify it. For authentication apps, you’ll need to scan a QR code provided on the screen with your app. For email, you’ll need to confirm the code sent to your email address.

g.Backup Codes (Optional)

Some platforms provide backup codes. These are one-time codes that can be used if you lose access to your 2FA device. It’s highly recommended to generate and securely store these codes in case of emergencies.


Complete the verification process according to the method you selected. Once you’ve verified your device, the 2FA feature should be enabled on your account.

i.Test 2FA

To ensure 2FA is working correctly, log out of your account and then log back in. After entering your password, the platform will prompt you for the second factor, such as a code from your authentication app. Enter the code to access your account.

j.Stay Informed

Regularly review your 2FA settings and ensure your recovery options are up to date. If you ever change your phone number or device, make sure to update your 2FA settings accordingly. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can enhance the security of your accounts on popular websites and services.

Software Update is must for online safety

Outdated software can leave you vulnerable to security threats. In this section, we’ll explore why software updates are crucial. 

Hack 5.The Importance of Updates

Understand why software updates are essential for maintaining a secure digital environment.

  1. Security Vulnerabilities: One of the most critical reasons for installing software updates is to patch security vulnerabilities. Over time, software developers and security experts discover and address various weaknesses and vulnerabilities in software. By updating your software, you ensure that these vulnerabilities are fixed, reducing the risk of security breaches.
  2. Protection Against Malware: Malware, such as viruses, Trojans, and ransomware, often targets known vulnerabilities in software. 

Hack 6.Updating Your Devices for online safety

 Software updates are not just about keeping up with the latest trends; they are a critical component of your digital security and functionality. Ignoring software updates can leave your devices and applications vulnerable to security breaches and lead to a more-than-optimal user experience. 

Therefore, it’s essential to regularly update your software to benefit from the latest security patches, features, and improvements, ensuring that your digital life remains secure and efficient.

Learn how to keep your operating systems, applications, and devices up to date to protect against vulnerabilities.

Improved Performance: Software updates are not just about security; they also bring performance improvements. By staying up to date, you benefit from these performance enhancements, ensuring your applications run smoothly and efficiently.

Legal and Licensing Compliance: Some software updates are necessary to maintain compliance with licensing agreements and legal requirements.

Data Integrity: Software updates can address issues related to data integrity, preventing the loss or corruption of your important files and documents.

Beware of Phishing Scams

Phishing is a prevalent online threat. Here, we’ll delve into what phishing is and how to recognize and avoid phishing scams.

Hack 7.Identifying Phishing Attempts is must for online safety

Explore common signs of phishing scams and how to spot them in your email inbox and on websites.

Hack 8.Safeguarding Against Phishing

Discover best practices for protecting yourself from falling victim to phishing attacks.

Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Your home Wi-Fi network can be a gateway for cybercriminals. In this section, we’ll discuss steps to secure your network.

Hack 9.Change Default Router Passwords

Learn how to change your router’s default password and enhance your network’s security.

Hack 10.Set Up a Guest Network for online safety

Examine the advantages of creating a different guest network to safeguard your main network and private information.

Educate Yourself About Online Safety

Understanding online privacy is a crucial aspect of staying safe online. In this section, we’ll discuss the significance of privacy awareness.

Hack 11.Know Your Digital Footprint

Learn how to assess and manage your digital footprint, ensuring you’re aware of the information you’re sharing online.

Hack 12.Use Privacy Settings

Explore the privacy settings available on social media and other platforms to control what information you share.

Back Up Your Data

Data loss can be devastating. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of data backups and how to create them.

Hack 13.Automatic Backups

Learn about automated backup solutions that can safeguard your critical data.

Hack 14.Cloud Storage Options

Explore cloud storage services that can securely store your files and data.

Stay Informed About Cybersecurity Threats

To stay safe online, it’s crucial to keep yourself updated on the latest cybersecurity threats and trends. Here, we’ll discuss how to do just that.

Hack 15.Follow Cybersecurity News

Discover reliable sources for staying informed about cybersecurity news and emerging threats.

Hack 16.Attend Cybersecurity Webinars and Workshops

Learn how to participate in webinars and workshops that provide insights into cybersecurity best practices.

Lock Down Your Social Media Profiles

Cybercriminals may find a wealth of personal data on social media sites. In this section, we’ll explore steps to secure your social media presence.

Hack 17.Adjust Privacy Settings on Social Media

Explore the privacy settings on popular social media platforms and how to configure them for maximum security.

Hack 18.Be Cautious About Sharing Personal Information

Learn what information should not be shared on social media and how it can be used against you.

Use a VPN for Enhanced Online Safety

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can add an extra layer of security to your online activities. In this section, we’ll discuss what VPNs are and how to use them.

Hack 19. How VPNs Work

Understand the fundamentals of VPN technology and how it encrypts your internet connection.

Hack 20.Choosing the Right VPN for online safety

Learn how to select the best VPN service for your needs and how to set it up for secure browsing.


In an era where our lives are increasingly intertwined with the digital world, ensuring online safety has become paramount. The ten easy online safety hacks we’ve explored provide a comprehensive guide to fortifying your digital life. From safeguarding your passwords with robust management tools to enabling two-factor authentication, updating software regularly, and recognizing and avoiding phishing scams, these hacks are the building blocks of a secure online presence.